Power Sources
Working to secure the cleanest, most cost-effective electricity available.
DCE is committed to securing renewable and carbon free energy sources as part of a portfolio of resources to serve our customers. Renewable energy is carbon free energy that comes from resources that are naturally replenished such as solar, wind and geothermal. Energy produced by large hydroelectric generating plants is also carbon free but is not formally designated as renewable energy.
As DCE builds its generation portfolio, we will have short- and long-term contracts with a variety of power suppliers to meet the energy needs of our community. Generation will be sourced from projects located in California, as well as other points in the western grid. In 2020-2021, DCE secured its first long-term renewable energy contracts, three for local wind energy, and one for solar plus battery storage, which will provide long-term benefits to DCE customers. DCE continues to add more locally sourced renewable resources to meet the needs of our customers.
DCE provides detailed information to its customers about its power supply resources in its annual Power Content Label. The Power Content Label for DCE’s Desert Saver and Carbon Free products are available on our Key Documents page.